Growing herbs in mason jars is a super quick and easy project. Kids and adults will enjoy seeing seeds sprout and tiny herbs come out of the soil. You can use fresh herbs in recipes and daily cooking. This is a fun classroom project for teachers as well. You can use the jars over and over to keep fresh herbs growing to use everyday. We suggest growing basil, savory, oregano, parsley, cilantro, and you could even grow catnip for your feline cat friends.
You will need to gather some supplies before you get started.
Mason Jar Herb Garden Supplies Needed:
- 1/2 Pint Mason Jars
- Perlite
- Potting soil
- Small Pebbles
- Herb Seeds
- labels (Reusable Chalkboard Labels are nice)
Mason Jar Herb Garden Instructions:
Add perlite in the bottom of each jar, filling about 1/2″ deep. Put small pebbles on top of the perlite, filling about about 1″ deep. Perlite and pebbles are used for drainage since the jars don’t have a hole in the bottom.
Put organic potting soil on top of perlite and rocks, making sure there are no air pockets. The easy way to remove the air pockets is to tap the jar on the counter after you put the soil in. I put half of the potting soil in and gave the jar a tap and then put the rest in and gave it a tap.
The reason we use organic potting soil is because we will be eating what we grow so we don’t want to use soil that has been treated with any type of pesticides or chemicals.
Using your finger or a pencil or stick, put a small indent in potting soil in the center of the jar. Add 10 or 12 seeds in the hole. We don’t want to use more because they won’t have room to grow. Cover the hole with a little bit of potting soil and press down lightly with your finger. Add water until you see it run through to the bottom and fill in the perlite and rocks.
You can make herb markers with card stock/cardboard and a Popsicle stick or small stick from a tree.
CLICK HERE to download Free Printable Herb Garden Markers sheet (PDF).
Place your mason jar herb gardens in a windowsill that is away from direct sunlight.
In just a few days some of your seeds will sprout and soon we will have fresh herbs to add to our next meal. Please share your experience growing herbs indoors.
Love this, will use it in my Bear Scout den mtg to fill one of the requirements in ” Fur, Feathers, and Ferns.
Agreed! I think we’ll be doing this at our next pack meeting! 🙂
Excellent idea…I was looking for it since long